


Kalibiru is the highest land in the Menoreh Hills line which is the prima donna for its charming landscape from a height. From this place we can see views of the mountains in Central Java. This tourist spot can also be used as an inspiration for tourists to take pictures.

Source : HIS Travel



Pantai Glagah

Glagah Beach is considered to be the pride beach of Kulonprogo Regency and is considered a tourist spot that is currently hitting hits. To find a photo is not difficult, just look for it on Instagram social media with the hashtag #PantaiGlagah, surely there will be many photos that appear. Not only a cheap tourist destination, but on this beach you will feel that you are outside Jogja or even abroad.


Source :


Tempe Benguk

Tempe Benguk is a typical food of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. Benguk tempe is black tempeh with peanut seeds that are twice the size of soybeans, with a unique, savory, and sweet taste. Benguk tempeh is best fried in flour and eaten with geblak which is also a typical Kulon Progo food.